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Messages - Finelige

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Reseller Web Hosting / Mexico reseller hosting services?
« on: May 22, 2020, 08:54:02 AM »
Need over 200 gbs of disk space. Linux, Mexico
3 Tbs of bandwidth + helpful and skillful technical customer support.
What can you say about reseller hosting services?
Any feedbacks, reviews? What host is better?

Cloud Web Hosting / Re: Zen Cart or magento shopping cart?
« on: May 21, 2020, 12:04:49 PM »
When ever I needed support, they were always there 24/7. I've been a regular customer at provider, purchasing domain names for well over 8 months now. Other than that, most of the time, the people they have working for them are professional and know what they are talking about.

I must say that I consider dedicated servers to be well worth the price. This experience has been great.
The control panel seemed a little daunting and techie at first, but it's fine when you get used to it.
Their European servers is really fast - great plus for their team.

Apart from storing your site, what services will you need from your hosting provider?

I like Bullten Dedicated servers europe. Pricing is competitive.
As far as I have seen my site has 99.9% uptime, it is quite good. I had downtime only several times and it lasted about 30 minutes. it's ok for me.
All in all, the quality of the hosting is very good, I can proudly say I am hosted with this web host.

Virtual Private Server (VPS) / Re: VPS to sign up with ...
« on: May 21, 2020, 12:00:29 PM »
After reading some positive reviews about I decided to give them a try. I've been very happy with them for 1 year and a half, and am still very satisfied. I can say that they are very professional and seem to enjoy helping their customers which is a great change from some of the other sites out there.

General Web Hosting / Re: Shared account ... which is the best?
« on: May 21, 2020, 11:59:49 AM »
I use shared web hosting services - both are excellent.
I can say that uptime is great (99.99% as promised), my website is always accessible to my visitors and clients. I am happy about this.
Coupon code: 3FI43HBLRM - gives 20% discount, valid till July 31st !

I am quite happy using Hostnamaste cheap reseller hosting services and would recommend them to all webmasters. As for their server speeds, they are standard. Everything works good. My website is up and running and I love it! Their list of extra software installations is huge and their Site Studio is really easy to use.

As a web designer, I have to deal with other hosting providers chosen by clients (against my recommendations) and none can compare to when it comes to ease of use, reliability and above all else, customer support. Tickets are usually answered with 10 minutes of submission and their support staff is extremely obliging.

After searching for advice on web hosting providers, decided to go with web host.
They advertise quality support, and they deliver. Their control panel has a complete set of web-management features.

Server locations: Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Bulgaria (100 Gbps DDoS Protection), USA - Miami (FL), USA - New York (NY), Canada (480 Gbps DDoS Protection) and more.

General Web Hosting / Re: Affordable adult web hosting solutions?
« on: April 23, 2020, 09:30:40 AM »
I love the plans and how your space and bandwidth increases each month. keep improving their plans. and unlike many other hosts.. these improvements are applied to new and existing customers. You can't beat the price, the support is wonderful and quick!

Never had a problem with offshore VPS hosting, except a server glitch, which they took care of within 40 minutes of my notifying them.
Have had great experience with these guys. I've had numerous others in the past, only for them to cause hours of work with every change they made to their systems.

Go ahead and give a try. Their control panel makes it very easy to navigate everything for someone who doesn't know too much about the intricate workings of webhosts and servers. They also offer great tools, easy to use with intuitive video training available.

Cloud Web Hosting / Re: Australian web hosting service please?
« on: April 23, 2020, 09:28:15 AM »
Just don't forget to get 30% OFF FIRST ANNUAL* - 30% off your first annual or semi-annual payment. You can save hundreds. Code: VPSHOST30
I have read many customer hosting reviews about various web hosting providers before I chose VPS hosting in Australia. It has lots of positive reviews written by satisfied customers.

Do not compromise what had been planned about for the web site just to meet the level of what can just be offered with the cheap web hosting package.

I am 100% happy client, highly recommend dedicated hosting services.
Very reliable and fast friendly technical support. My expectations are always exceeded.

So far have been an exceptional host. They are fast, great customer service.
It is one of the rare web hosting providers that are not overselling their resources - great PLUS for them. Recommended!

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