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Messages - Rizzotto

Pages: 1 ... 19 20 [21] 22 23 ... 55
I am very happy with SSD VPS hosting. The prices are cheap and their customer service is excellent!
Uptime is perfect and speed connectivity is pretty fast. Recommend them more than highly.

General Web Hosting / Re: I need decent providers for Wordpress.
« on: July 05, 2022, 07:34:21 AM »
To anyone considering using as a host, you will be pleased if you choose them.
They have no setup fees, no hidden fees. They always explain me everything I need to know when I contact them.

General Web Hosting / Re: vs
« on: July 05, 2022, 07:33:21 AM »
So far, I've extremely happy and satisfied with web hosting service!
The provider receives my full recommendation and appreciation for getting quality hosting services...

I don't have anything bad to say about offshore server hosting service.
I'd like to add that the server uptime (99.99% uptime guarantee is true) and overall speed performance have been ok for me. Everything works.

No doubt, it will be reasonable to draw your attention to 60% OFF special:
Dedicated Server with /24 Subnet - Instead of $533.34 Per Month, Only $320.00 Per Month
For IPv4 Subnet List, Please Contact Sales - Dedicated Server (Atom or i Series, 8Gb RAM to 32Gb RAM, 250Gb HDD to 2TB HDD with 100TB of Bandwidth on 1Gbps Port) and IPv4 Subnet (/29 to /16)

Virtual Private Server (VPS) / Low-cost VPS hosting is needed
« on: June 08, 2022, 08:20:52 AM »
I'd like to ask some experts help in order to help me to choose the hosting provider.
What do you think about web hosting.

The reason for my request is that I am looking for good place where I can order cPanel VPS hosting solution and they seem to be good for me.
Do you know anything about this host? What host is better? Why?

General Web Hosting / Need hosting provider not belonged to EIG
« on: June 08, 2022, 08:19:20 AM »
Hunting for best Web Hosting. As a non-member till now, I've learned a lot by browsing through the forums: No to EIG, lure of unlimited space, etc. So thanks to all. Didn't opt for any local hosting services because of unenthusiastic and poor response to queries. Good enough as most belonged to EIG, which I discovered here is least preferred. Would appreciate a second opinion of veterans and experienced members for the same old question. Currently, I need a hosting plan for a personal website, but may invest in a multiple websites hosting plan for websites of clients too, which hope is legit.
Do you know anything about server hosting? Is it good?

Thanks and Regards

Hello Folks! I need a managed dedicated server in India.
It should have an integrated gpu. Like the ones which come with the i7 series or the E3-12X5 series.
Ram 24Gb is enough. And HDD 2000 gbs max. Any provider recomendations?
What can you say about storage server hosting?
Will it be worth trying them? Alternatives?

General Web Hosting / Personal web site suggestions
« on: June 07, 2022, 09:37:58 AM »
I've been searching various hosts, nothing I've tried seems to work for me in terms of free for a webpage. I'm going to pay but want to get the following:

1) Text pages, sort of a medical information site, includes probably about 15 pages of links for solid medical info (like anemias, vitamins, stomach, nerd research articles, etc.) alone. Otherwise probably 25 in total.
2) Some screenshot images of some pdf's. A number of these would be like 100K or less or so.
3) Would need something to help me create the site. I'm an Oracle person not a web person but I can wing some small HTML type stuff.
4) Don't need tons of space, tons of graphics, or MySQL, etc. Ability to contact me from the site would be a good, maybe a form type email but otherwise that's it. No forums or lots of people, this is specialized. Don't need a domain name either.
5) Do want month to month payments if possible or low cost yearly plan types.

Suggestions? What are your views on VPS hosting? Is it good?

General Web Hosting / hosting dedicado economico?
« on: June 07, 2022, 09:37:03 AM »
I'm looking for Mexico server hosting which has high accurate IP to buy.
So any providers can check IPs of their servers for me? What web hosts can you recommend me to look at?
What are your views on hosting dedicado economico solutions? Are they reliable?

- 3 tbs of disk space, - 42 tbs of bandwidth, - Linux, - 24/7 customer support
I am considering server hosting packages and also reg domains.
What do you know about them? What host would you choose? And why?

General Web Hosting / Re: Shared account to sign up with ...
« on: May 11, 2022, 08:17:14 AM »
I can express the point that has made my life so much easier I don't really know where to begin. Suffice it to say that these guys are setting new standards in web hosting and in my opinion are the model for what every other hosting provider should strive for.

What is the best web hosting for High Power websites out there?
I need to have a unique IP and also SSL Certificates, DDos protected.
Have seen offered nice hosting plans.
How reliable is this host? Any other recommendations?

Virtual Private Server (VPS) / Re: VPS to sign up with
« on: May 11, 2022, 07:56:34 AM »
I've been with VPS hosting more than 6 months and already I can tell I'm going to stick around for a while.
They are just amazing. The uptime is truly superb and support is always fast and friendly.

I've been with for over 8 months now and I've not had any problem with them.
Excellent host, easy to set up fast and through help and support service. Good range of price plans and options for the novice to the expert.

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