« on: November 29, 2023, 05:50:22 PM »
Hello, friends!
I've come to the conclusion that it's better to separate my mail and website from each other so that they are not on the same server. For my site, a regular shared hosting is quite enough, but due to some restrictions and constant IP hits in spam databases, I decided to move the mail to a separate VPS server or some kind of mail service.
Google Workspace, although a good option, is too expensive for me...
I want a good server for a good price.
What is the best server to use for mail? My newsletters can reach 1000 emails a day, and I have a lot of mailboxes, about 100.
Which hosting services can meet my needs and will they help me transfer all my mail from another registrar and set up the server? Do you have any ideas? What do you think about the following hosts - hostpro.com, BlueHost, SiteGround and DreamHost?