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Messages - Rizzotto

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Virtual Private Server (VPS) / Re: VPS to sign up with ...
« on: March 31, 2020, 10:55:37 AM »
I'm hosting multiple domains at cheap VPS, Only for $5.83/mo if pay yearly.
I like their server locations: Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Bulgaria (100 Gbps DDoS Protection), USA - Miami (FL), USA - New York (NY), Canada (480 Gbps DDoS Protection).

I use my full disk space and bandwidth and their servers simply run at blazing speeds. is a fantastic host. They're cheap, reliable, friendly, give massive amounts of space and bandwidth!

Please, tell us more requirements. How much ram, HD, Bandwidth do your projects online need?

For me, dedicated servers offered by will serve all your specifications.
The combination of quality and cheapness makes them attractive for the greater part of the web masters.

Virtual Private Server (VPS) / Re: Need your opinion ....
« on: March 03, 2020, 09:02:16 AM »
What’s your hosting budget?

For me, is a nice option for hosting websites.
I Saved Big on Hosting - 50% off 1st month on all Servers/VPS plans.

General Web Hosting / Re: Cheap and best shared hosting plan
« on: March 03, 2020, 09:01:14 AM »
Totally agree with the others about provider and their professional work.
I have had no issues with their servicde at all and have moved three other client's website to them. They may be a few dollars more expensive, but certainly worth it.

Dedicated Server & Managed Hosting / Re: Server to sign up with ...
« on: March 02, 2020, 12:55:38 PM »
When it comes to hosting I prefer to deal with reputed and trusted brands like BlazingFast.Host provider.
Pricing is a bit higher than some of the cheaper sites, but i'd definitely consider it well priced for what your getting. Features are cool.

Virtual Private Server (VPS) / Re: VPS to sign up with ...
« on: March 02, 2020, 08:46:11 AM »
As I know, is also good place for getting Netherlands VPS deals at good rates.
They are always willing to assist me over and over again with even the smallest request.

Virtual Private Server (VPS) / Re: Right VPS to buy ...
« on: March 02, 2020, 08:44:08 AM »
On average, how much traffic do you expect each month?

I can highly recommend VPS hosting service. Great support. Never had to wait more than 90 minutes for help.
30% off your first annual or semi-annual payment. You can save hundreds .

General Web Hosting / Re: The best shared account to sign up with ...
« on: March 02, 2020, 08:43:06 AM »
As an alternative, can recommend web hosting solutions. Good uptime - 99.99% guaranteed.
They provide me with a good value hosting solution with many plan features and a quality service.

They have been fantastic to deal with, I mean provider. There are no hidden traps or fees.
The service is excellent and they also have several ways to get customer support, which is also excellent.

Virtual Private Server (VPS) / Re: Low cost VPS to buy ...
« on: February 14, 2020, 08:48:50 AM »
Why not to give web host a try?
Good options, features and tools. The staff has always been friendly and knowledgeable with 100% follow-up.

I can also recommend Cheap Shared Hosting deals. Server locations: India, Europe, USA.
Their hosting packages include a full list of features that provides everything you need plus plenty of room for growth.

My experience with tech support has been good prompt and helpful responses.
The things I like about them are:
 - servers respond fast, and I've never experienced downtime,
 - features are very good,
 - they increased everyone bandwidth for free a while ago.

General Web Hosting / Re: professional hosting for wordpress blogs?
« on: February 13, 2020, 09:45:21 AM »
Very good host. web hosting space is by far the best out there beating its competitors noticeably.
So far, support has been good and they've gotten back to me within half a day.

General Web Hosting / Re: Which plan is the best to have a deal with?
« on: February 13, 2020, 09:44:35 AM »
I have used for about 7 months I think now. Hosted multiple domains. All in all they have been the best.
These guys have fantastic uptime, and if you are a new customer, then there are tons of coupon codes out there that will save you money on your subscription.

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