Will Speedehost.com Offshore SSD VPS work fine for hosting legal adult content videos?
Dear Client,
Yes you can host such websites with us without any problem
Thanks for your interest to choosing us
Does SpeedeHost.com managed vps provider offer additional IPs? If so, what is the price for extra IP?
Dear Client,
Yes we can provide you with extra IPs
We charge clients $3.00 per month for extra IPs
Would like to recommend Speedehost.com managed VPS solution to one of my clients.
What is the difference between XEN PV and XEN HVM Virtualizations?
Dear Client,
Xen Virtualisation Platform is an effective platform based server which is lightweight and can be utilized like a dedicated server. This machine partitions the server into individual machines which in return run on its own Dedicated Server. Individual Server has a functional operating system and each server is been allocated to a specific client. The server contains Dedicated IP Address, Memory, Files and other technical specification that is been developed for every individual server.
Both Xen HVM and Linux KVM need hardware assisted virtualization support (Intel VT-x, AMD AMD-V), XEN PV run on Linux and XEN HVM run on Windows
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