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Author Topic: The best WordPress plugin for Off page SEO. Try it free!  (Read 2684 times)


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Running WordPress based solution and looking to improve your OFFPage SEO?
You can stop here!
Check our Ultimate WordPress tool for off page SEO:

Main features included:

Rank Reporter – check Google rank positions and get detailed analysis regarding link building
- Monitor Google SERP positions for up to every day change.
- Analyze positions in relation to backlinks you obtained.

Backlink management – record backlink, track if link is still present, get overview of total and monthly expenses
- Write down all your backlinks
- See total and monthly costs
- Automatically check if backlins are still present

Google Search Console – display data directly in your WordPress!
- Connect to Google Search Console to display the most successful pages and keywords
- Automatically links to keywords you track

You have 2 options:

- Limited number of keywords (Requests are processed by your own server and we are limited by Google anti-scrape techniques of how many keyword we can get)
- Inconsistent results (Two reasons. You get results based on location of your server, not you as a user. And sometimes Google can prevent you from getting the results)
- Unlimited backlinks management
- Google Search Console connection


- Unlimited number of keywords (The plugin sends all keywords you want to track to our API server, we do the work on our end and send you back the results)
- Consistent and precise results (We use servers across the globe based on your settings preferences)
- Unlimited backlinks management
- Google Search Console connection

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