Shared Hosting
In shared hosting, the security is based on databases and applications which make them vulnerable to hackers. This is because once one has access to one shared hosting server, it is easier to access the other websites on it. And once a website has been hacked into, most intruders leave a back door to gain entry again later.
Since the security threats on shared host are prevalent, most web hosts advise users to keep their computers safe using reliable update antiviruses like Norton Internet Security or Kaspersky Internet Security. They also advise on using strong passwords and keeping your cPanel password away from any files on your account. Also, disable unnecessary options on your PHP settings to enhance security.
Cloud Hosting
Cloud hosting security management deals with arising issues using security control. There are four major controls behind the architecture of cloud hosting security:
- ​Deterrent controls
Preventative controls
Detective controls
Corrective controls.
Cloudways Managed Hosting plans because the provides one click deployment of different servers like Aws , Linode ,DO and lot of features with excellent customer support.