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Author Topic: How to install SSL Certificate in cPanel wordpress?  (Read 3411 times)

joel lee

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How to install SSL Certificate in cPanel wordpress?
« on: May 04, 2023, 01:26:12 PM »
To install an SSL certificate in cPanel for WordPress, follow these steps:

1. Purchase an SSL certificate from a reputable SSL provider. Some popular providers include Comodo, GeoTrust, and Symantec.

2.Log in to your cPanel account and locate the SSL/TLS section. Click on "Manage SSL Sites."

3.Scroll down to the "Install an SSL Website" section and choose the domain name for which you want to install the SSL certificate.

4.Copy and paste the certificate into the "Certificate" field.

5. If you have an intermediate certificate, copy and paste it into the "CA Bundle" field.

6. Click on the "Install Certificate" button.

7.Once the SSL certificate is installed, you need to update your WordPress website to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. To do this, go to the "Settings" menu in your WordPress dashboard and select "General." Change the "WordPress Address (URL)" and "Site Address (URL)" fields to start with "https://" instead of "http://".

8.Check to see if your website is now using HTTPS by accessing it in your web browser. If you see a green padlock icon in the address bar, your SSL certificate has been successfully installed.

 That's it! Your website is now secure with an SSL certificate.