« on: February 20, 2023, 08:13:15 AM »
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a cryptographic protocol that deals with the safe transmission of information. The SSL protocol (today TLS, Transport Layer Security), thanks to the presence of the certificate that identifies the server, creates a secure connection between the server and a client (browser), encrypting the data exchanged on web pages.
Free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates and Paid SSL Certificates
All Hosting Solutions hosting plans include free activation of an SSL certificate from the Let's Encrypt Certification Authority (CA). Let’s Encrypt only issues Domain Validation (DV) certificates, which enable the HTTPS connection for a single website/host name and can be technologically compared to the paid RapidSSL and GeoTrust QuickSSL. The RapidSSL WildCard, paid certificate, on the other hand, certifies a domain and all its subdomains, while Geotrust True BusinessID EV also extends the certification to the company (Extended Validation - EV).