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Messages - Parashistik

Pages: [1]
General Web Hosting / Re: Business & E-Commerce Hosting plans?
« on: April 10, 2022, 11:30:58 PM »
Thanks for the information.

General Web Hosting / Re: I need SSD dedicated server.
« on: April 08, 2022, 01:39:58 PM »
Unfortunately, I can't recommend one for you. My last experience went wrong. I couldn't connect to the server even though some of my friends could. "Connection has failed" was the message I've seen for weeks. Once I even thought I had lost my data from the hard disk, I found some DATA RECOVERY SERVICES. The guys there helped me save everything I had. I ended up not doing this by myself but with the help of professionals. I understood that it might get difficult to manage a dedicated server if you don't have enough technical knowledge. I was not aware of the process of configuring and optimizing it, so the best I could do was handle the management to professionals.

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