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Messages - RuskinF

Pages: [1] 2
General Web Hosting / Re: cheap hosting account in Canada?
« on: December 10, 2019, 02:46:31 PM »
I believe you'll have to ask the current and past customers of to find out how reliable they are and what is the server uptime they provide.

General Web Hosting / Re: Shared plan which is forum-friendly ...
« on: November 25, 2019, 12:26:44 PM »
I'd suggest you to go with

Cloud Web Hosting / Re: OR cloud servers?
« on: November 18, 2019, 10:35:44 AM »
You could find the honest reviews of the said companies on this domain itself. Also we host our DaaS database on cloudarion. Their end-user support is next to none. Also the costs of hosting our DaaS Windows on their severs is easily sustainable. It's pretty clear that they'll provide better support as they grow in numbers for their servers.

Cloud Web Hosting / Re: AWS Cloud Computing
« on: November 18, 2019, 10:25:30 AM »
Does this also include the deployment of AWS services for Clear Linux compatibile applications? As I believe it has been declared that such compatibility is going to be provided for AWS as well.

Cloud Web Hosting / Re: AWS Associate Advance Architect
« on: November 11, 2019, 10:51:42 AM »
It's a nice course. But along with all the syllabus about AWS, the addition of a module on Desktop as a service would really help the students to gain overall experience in the field of cloud computing.
A humble opinion from a student.

Cloud Web Hosting / Re: Guide On WordPress Admin Panel
« on: November 11, 2019, 10:31:08 AM »
Yes, it is possible. And this is a wide spread practice. I've worked with 3 companies, and all of them used the same practice.

Cloud Web Hosting / Re: What are the advantages of Cloud Hosting?
« on: November 11, 2019, 10:25:49 AM »
Benefits of Cloud Hosting
1. Flexible Pricing Structure
In most other styles of hosting you pay a monthly rate regardless of whether to not you utilize all of the server resources. With cloud hosting, you only pay for what you use.
So, if you’re expecting a post to go viral, or your site is receiving an unusually large amount of traffic, you don’t have to completely upgrade your package. All you have to do is scale your resources up during the traffic surge and down once traffic levels return to normal. Instead of having to pay for high hosting fee across the board your pricing matches the total amount of server resources you’re using.

 2. Very Easy to Scale Server Resources
With cloud hosting scaling your server resources couldn’t be easier. For most cloud servers you’ll have access to an intuitive site management dashboard that lets you view your site’s performance in real time. You can scale server resources up or down on the spot without having to wait for approval from your hosting provider.

 3. Redundant Server Environment
With most types of hosting your site lives on a single server. If something were to happen to that server, then your site would go offline and you wouldn’t be able to get back online until that server is fixed. When your hosting is redundant a site backup will take over your existing site within seconds. However, not all redundancy is created equal. With cloud hosting, you’ll have a concurrent live version of your website that your host can load immediately.

4. High Uptime and Availability
If you’re using any kind of traditional hosting your site’s uptime depends upon the physical server environment. If it goes offline, then so does your site. Unless you’re utilizing a CDN, which can help to reduce your site’s overall downtime.
Cloud hosting has high uptime built into its structure. Since your site will be virtually using the resources of multiple servers, you can simply be transferred to another server if one goes offline or is experiencing technical issues. Plus, with your ability to scale server resources on demand your site won’t go offline from an unexpected traffic surge.


General Web Hosting / Re: Shared account ... which one is right?
« on: November 04, 2019, 02:09:14 PM »
Go for . I think they'll provide you better service.

General Web Hosting / Re: What is PHP and What are its Applications?
« on: November 04, 2019, 02:03:42 PM »
PHP is a recurring-type acronym. It stands for PHP's Hypertext Preprocessor. It is used to design static or Dynamic webpages. It can also be used to design web-based simple games. It can only be understood by servers that have PHP installed on them.

General Web Hosting / Re: Shared plan which is good for hosting a forum ...
« on: November 04, 2019, 01:58:30 PM »
I went through their website and was convinced that either would be right for you.
Good luck.

Cloud Web Hosting / Re: Cloud server hosting solutions in the Usa?
« on: October 30, 2019, 11:29:37 AM »
I've lent my trust onto after years of hopping from from one host to other. At last I can tell, I'm done with host-hopping for good. They're the best and they know it.

12 was the service provider of a company my friend worked for. They provided professional service at competitive prices and gave service support with guaranteed 99.9% uptime.

Cloud Web Hosting / Re: Windows cloud hosting services?
« on: October 29, 2019, 10:52:11 AM » is one of the best Windows VPS provider that I've come across. They provide a good service whenever you need it. They provide excellent plans at nominal costs with various bundled packages for free. Another thing good about them is their customer support. They've never replied to a query later than 15 minutes of posting it. That's the kind of customer support they have.

Cloud Web Hosting / Re: What are the advantages of Cloud Hosting?
« on: October 29, 2019, 10:42:21 AM »
Benefits of Cloud Hosting
1. Flexible Pricing Structure
In most other styles of hosting you pay a monthly rate regardless of whether to not you utilize all of the server resources. With cloud hosting, you only pay for what you use.
So, if you’re expecting a post to go viral, or your site is receiving an unusually large amount of traffic, you don’t have to completely upgrade your package. All you have to do is scale your resources up during the traffic surge and down once traffic levels return to normal. Instead of having to pay for high hosting fee across the board your pricing matches the total amount of server resources you’re using.

2. Very Easy to Scale Server Resources
With cloud hosting scaling your server resources couldn’t be easier. For most cloud servers you’ll have access to an intuitive site management dashboard that lets you view your site’s performance in real time. You can scale server resources up or down on the spot without having to wait for approval from your hosting provider.

3. Redundant Server Environment
With most types of hosting your site lives on a single server. If something were to happen to that server, then your site would go offline and you wouldn’t be able to get back online until that server is fixed. When your hosting is redundant a site backup will take over your existing site within seconds. However, not all redundancy is created equal. With cloud hosting, you’ll have a concurrent live version of your website that your host can load immediately.

4. High Uptime and Availability
If you’re using any kind of traditional hosting your site’s uptime depends upon the physical server environment. If it goes offline, then so does your site. Unless you’re utilizing a CDN, which can help to reduce your site’s overall downtime.
Cloud hosting has high uptime built into its structure. Since your site will be virtually using the resources of multiple servers, you can simply be transferred to another server if one goes offline or is experiencing technical issues. Plus, with your ability to scale server resources on demand your site won’t go offline from an unexpected traffic surge.

5. Speedy Server Setup Process
You can deploy a cloud hosting server in record time. Unless you’re signing up for a beginner shared hosting package, it might take some time to deploy your web server. This can be a hassle if you need your site online quickly, or you’re doing a host migration and you’re stuck waiting for the server to be ready.

6. Safety From Server Hardware Issues
With cloud hosting your site is isolated from any physical server issues including hacking, hardware failure, or system overload. When a physical server is compromised or experiencing an issue, you can simply utilize the physical resources of another server – all without having any downtime.


I reiterate is the best. Go for the plans they provide and choose the one that suits you the best.

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